Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for February 27

You can’t help snapping at someone who is behaving erratically and contrarily. Once they open up to you and explain why, you will offer them emotional support. You have a lot to think about and are in serious need of some headspace.
Someone you live or work with needs to realise that focusing on trivial problems as they are prone to do, will only make them worse. You understand their need to get something off their chest but you’re also growing tired of listening to their complaints.
It will be fun and rewarding to work as part of a team. You don’t have to sing your own praises. People you meet for the first time will not be impressed and as it is, those who matter, already appreciate your skills and knowledge.
You’re in awe of some of the people around you. Just listening to their stories makes you feel you have little of your own to contribute. What might surprise you is how fascinated someone is with a subject you happen to know a lot about.
It doesn’t matter if you get an offer that sounds more exciting than what you are doing now, what’s important is you fulfil promises already made. If you let someone who is relying on you down, you will get a reputation for being unreliable.
A friend or partner is reading between the lines and seeing problems that don’t exist. They look to you for reassurance. This can be draining and you’re starting to dread being in the company of someone who keeps getting upset over nothing.
A situation will be explosive once you have had a chance to say what is on your mind. Someone who sees you as being suggestible is about to be surprised. You have been observing from the background but now you can remain silent no longer.
A problem that is preying on your mind will not be resolved if you don’t make an effort to do anything about it. To overcome this hurdle you need to take a deep breath and face up to whatever it is that is bothering you.
You aren’t happy with an aspect of your job. Rather than keep your concerns to yourself, talk to your boss or a senior colleague. One person in particular is being allowed to dominate a situation. They need to be put in their place.
You wouldn’t mind seeing some cash when a friend who borrowed money off you shows little sign of wanting to return it. If they are deliberately avoiding the subject, tell them outright that it is time they settled up.
Concentration seems to have flown out of the window and yet you can’t explain why you are unable to focus. It doesn’t matter how hard you try or how important the job you are working on might be, you can’t seem to get down to business.
Be patient and it will be possible to resolve the problems you come up against today. If you can’t see a solution, talk to someone whose advice you always trust and they will help you see where you have been going wrong.