Published On: Sun, May 5th, 2024

Ella Barnum – Who is she and what will she become?

This post was originally written by the Founder of Get Up Radio Media on July 13, 2021. It has been requested to be pulled from our Archives due to being part 1 of a two part article write up. Look for the Part Two follow up on Ella Barnum to see how life has been for her attending University of Texas A&M.

The year is 2021 and alot has occurred in the last year and a half. My company, Get Up Radio / Get Up Radio Media has updated apps, improved our image, and allocated new projects for the future.

We tend to receive alot of emails from various individuals and companies requesting information, providing insights, or simply thanking us for the information we provide. Last week, one of my interns provided me with a small but simple letter from a young lady named Ella Barnum. This letter simply stated that she was a young female that has gone through alot within the last few years, but now she is confident in who she is and will take the world by storm. She continued on by stating how intelligent and caring she is towards humanity and animals and expects to improve the world of medicine to better everyone in the long run. A very confident individual indeed, as she continued on by stating she wanted to be a Social Media Influencer and wanted us to inform her of tips to do so.

Now, we are a Media Broadcasting Company that provided insights and information to people around the world daily through our posts, apps and social media platforms. To my surprise, I was quite delighted to see a letter from such a well organized, intelligent and confident female who knew what she wanted and was trying to discover how to get it.

I took the time out of my busy life and replied to her on Instagram providing a few tips on marketing herself and wishing her good luck in the future. I even decided to pin her on our twitter social media accounts to help others discover her. Why did I do this you may ask? Though I am inclined to help individuals at times when our company or myself sees a variable reason to do so, I did this based on the information we discovered on Ms. Ella Barnum.

I had my intern do research to discover more on Ms. Ella Barnum. I was quite fascinated on the information provided to me. It appears that Ms. Ella Barnum is a simple, but energetic female living in Chandler, AZ that just graduated from Perry High School. She was known as someone very positive towards others who found happiness in every situation. She volunteered 200 hours as a lead volunteer at Saving One Life Kitten Rescue. She was an active participant in multiple clubs such as Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica. We discovered that she was also a National Merit Finalist, AP Scholar with Honor, and Impact Scholar receiving both academic and department awards while attending Perry High School. Ms. Ella Barnum graduated Cum Laude and out of 45 colleges she considered, finally chose Texas A&M for her medical journey into neuroscience. It appears that Ella Barnum is abit of an artist, loves to sing as an hobby, loves watching “The Mandalorian” on Disney and also works at a restaurant to help manage money for her future and as she stated in her message “My Monthly Fashion”. She hopes to one day meet musical artist, Billie Eilish who helped her get through her rough years as a teenager.

It appears that Ms. Ella Barnum is a sign of hope towards all of us that indeed there are still individuals out there motivated and determined to make the world a brighter place. She also promotes a positive image for females showing dedication towards changing the world for everyone in a much needed area such as medicine especially due to our present Covid situation. The last few years has shown us the troubles and negativity that females face daily directly and indirectly. It gave me and my staff a pleasant smile to see such a motivated young female on stage promoting positivity and hope not only for herself, but more so for others who doesn’t have a voice and seeks a role model to follow.

With that being said, I decided to take my time out today and write about this individual name Ella Barnum so that others may know her name and see her for the positive and motivated person she is. I do hope that wherever Ms. Barnum’s future takes her, that the path for her is paved with positivity, success, achievements and opportunities that she deserves. Now whether or not she might become a social media influencer is up in the air of course, but at least I feel she has a positive future in the medical field for sure that will only give us hope for a brighter future in medicine and health care.

If you wish to follow Ms. Ella Barnum on Instagram as she contacted us through them, you can find her at We have decided to follow her and see where her future takes her. Maybe you should do the same and share this article for other young females to read and become inspired by Ella Barnum.

Thank you for your time in reading this article and feel free to leave any comments below. You can enjoy more news insight and information at and music 24/7 at or Enjoy your day and always remember to “Get Up With Life…Music…The World only at Get Up Radio / Get Up Radio Media Broadcasting.”

Alan Cousin

Founder of Get Up Radio / Get Up Radio Media Broadcasting LLC ( /

Member of The National Press Club of Washington, D.C. (

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